Access, Control, and Monitor the Analysis Console
Cytomic EDR implements multiple resources for limiting, controlling, and monitoring access to its web console and the actions that analysts can take through it:
User account.
Roles assigned to user accounts.
User account activity log.
General Concepts
User Account
A user account is a resource consisting of a set of data that Cytomic Orion uses to allow analysts to access the web console and set the actions they can take on user computers.
User accounts are used only by the SOC analysts who access the Cytomic Orion web console. Each analysts can have one or more user accounts assigned.
The main characteristics of user accounts are:
They are accounts managed by analysts. Analysts can create or delete accounts, change their passwords, add or remove permissions, or enable two-factor authentication.
A user account provides access to all products purchased from Cytomic through Cytomic Central.
A user account can provide access to multiple clients. The analyst can choose the product they want to access in Cytomic Central, and then select the console they want to access on the Select account page.
Cytomic Central
This is a portal that centralizes access to all the products included in the Cytomic portfolio. A user account created in a Cytomic product provides access to the portal, from which the analyst can access the various consoles of the purchased products.
For more information, see
SOC/MSSP Client Account
This is a resource consisting of confidential data associated with the SOC/MSSP that has purchased a Cytomic product. The fiscal address, full name, tax identification number, and other data are part of the SOC/MSSP account.