
class TH.Histogram(interval: Optional[str] = '1s', index: Optional[str] = 'DateTime', columns: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, sum: Optional[str] = None, distinct=None)

Determine configuration to retrieve the histogram for a query

Merge(dflist: List[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame])pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
Result(data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, period: Optional[TH.Core.period.TimePeriod] = None)pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Returned dataframe with all time gaps filled with empty (0) values

property Columns

The configured columns for this histogram + the date index

property Distinct

The configured distinct columns for this histogram

property group

(Internal use only) return: The SQL GROUP BY sentence to obtain the histogram through query

property numcolumns
property order

(Internal use only) return: The SQL ORDER BY sentence to obtain the histogram through query

property select

(Internal use only) return: The SQL SELECT sentence to obtain the histogram through query