(md5: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, muid: Optional[str] = None, logged_user: Optional[str] = None, parent_filename: Optional[str] = None, parent_md5: Optional[str] = None, parent_pid: Optional[str] = None, client_id: Optional[str] = None, period: Optional[TH.Core.period.TimePeriod] = None)¶ Bases:
]Class representing a file in diskA file can be instantiated by providing the following information:name: Name for this file
path: Full path for this file
md5: Md5 file hash for this file
muid: Machine unique identification code in where the operation over the file has been executed
logged_user: User that created the operation over the file has been executed
parent_filename: Process (name) that performed the operation over the file
parent_md5: Process (md5) that performed the operation over the file
parent_pid: Process (pid) that performed the operation over the file
client_id: The client identification code
period: The current analysis period
(client: Optional[str] = None) → Any¶ - Obtain the first seen information for this fileIf client is provided, the information will be limited to the provided client
- Parameters
client – Client (or list of clients) in where to find the requested information
- Returns
The first seen date for the file (only available when MD5 is provided)
return File(md5='F3ADE3F9BCC57211FC388878EA83EE48').first_seen()
() → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame¶ - Returns
Dataframe relating the file and its current classification
() → Any¶
(muid: str, client: Optional[str] = None, period=TimePeriod()) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame¶ - Obtain download urls for this fileIf muid and period are provided, will obtain the download urls for the file in this machine and period.Otherwise, the file md5 is required in order to perform the request
- Parameters
muid – the target machine (Allways required)
client – the target client id (optional)
period – the query period (Allways required)
- Returns
URLs where the file was downloaded from
Example to request for download URLS where the file has been seen
file = File(md5='F3ADE3F9BCC57211FC388878EA83EE48') return file.get_urls()
Example to request for download URLS for given machine and period
file = File(name='') return file.get_urls( muid='00000000000000000000000000000000', period=TimePeriod(num_days=15) )
(muid: Optional[str] = None) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame¶ - Parameters
muid – Limit the results to certain machines (by the MUID)
- Returns
Events related to file (only available when MD5 is provided)
return File(md5='F3ADE3F9BCC57211FC388878EA83EE48').get_events(MUID)
(muid: Optional[str] = None, md5s: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, client: Optional[str] = None) → str¶ - Returns
name used in file initialization or else, list of names related to the file hash
(full: Optional[bool] = False) → dict¶ Obtain stored information for a file
- Returns
dictionary with stored information regarding the file
ej: Obtain file information
return File(md5='F3ADE3F9BCC57211FC388878EA83EE48').get_info()
() → Any¶ - Returns
The machine as an instance of
in where the file has been created
This method is only available when the file is obtained through a Obj.get_files() method.Otherwise the information is not available and an exception will be raisedFor example: this piece of code will raise a ‘information not available’ exception
f = File(name = 'chrome.exe') m = f.get_machine() # WILL RAISE AN EXCEPTION (File operation information has not been provided)
This piece of code, will execute succesfully:
u = User(users = 'MYDOMAIN/MyUser', client_id='000000') filelist = u.get_files(file=File(name='chrome.exe'), operation='create') if len(filelist) > 0: f = filelist[0] m = f.get_machine() print(m)
() → TH.Core.THCollection.THCollection¶ - Obtain machines where this file was seen
return File(md5='F3ADE3F9BCC57211FC388878EA83EE48').get_machines()
- Returns
List of
where this file was seen (only available when MD5 is provided)Following information is available in the machines returned out of this query:
MUID: The machine MUID in where this file has been seen
ClientId: The client id whom the machine belogs to
firstSeen: The first seen date for this machine and file
lastSeen: The last seen date fot this machine and file
lastPath: The last seen full route to the file
(muid: Optional[str] = None, period: Optional[TH.Core.period.TimePeriod] = None) → Union[list, str]¶ - If md5 was provided in file initialization, return that md5Otherwise, return the list of md5s for the given file name in a machine, client and period
- Parameters
muid – Machine (or list of machines) in where to find for file ocurences
period – Analysis period
- Returns
Md5 used in file initialization or else, list of md5s related to the file name (during a period in a machine and/or client)
# Example 1: # Prints 'F3ADE3F9BCC57211FC388878EA83EE48' f = File(md5='F3ADE3F9BCC57211FC388878EA83EE48') print(f.get_md5()) # Example 2: # Prints the list of different md5s given to 'chrome.exe' in the given machine and period f = File(name='chrome.exe') print(f.get_md5(muid='00000000000000000000000000000000', period=TimePeriod()))
() → list¶ - Returns
name used in file initialization or else, list of names related to the file hash
() → Any¶ - Returns
The process as an instance of
that performed the operation over the file
This method is only available when the file is obtained through a Obj.get_files() method.Otherwise the information is not available and an exception will be raisedFor example: this piece of code will raise a ‘information not available’ exception
f = File(name = 'chrome.exe') p = f.get_process() # WILL RAISE AN EXCEPTION (File operation information has not been provided)
This piece of code, will execute succesfully:
u = User(users = 'MYDOMAIN/MyUser', client_id='000000') filelist = u.get_files(file=File(name='chrome.exe'), operation='create') if len(filelist) > 0: f = filelist[0] p = f.get_process() print(p)
() → Any¶ - Returns
The user as an instance of
that performed the operation over the file
This method is only available when the file is obtained through a Obj.get_files() method.Otherwise the information is not available and an exception will be raisedf = File(name = 'chrome.exe') u = f.get_user() # WILL RAISE AN EXCEPTION (File operation information has not been provided)
This piece of code, will execute succesfully:
m = Machine(name = 'MYMACHINE', client_id='000000') filelist = m.get_files(file=File(name='chrome.exe'), operation='create') if len(filelist) > 0: f = filelist[0] u = f.get_user() print(u)
(client: Optional[str] = None) → Any¶ - Obtain the last seen information for this fileIf client is provided, the information will be limited to the provided client
- Parameters
client – Client (or list of clients) in where to find the requested information
- Returns
The first seen date for the file (only available when MD5 is provided)
return File(md5='F3ADE3F9BCC57211FC388878EA83EE48').last_seen
¶ - Returns
The current classification for the file (only available when MD5 is provided)
return File(md5='F3ADE3F9BCC57211FC388878EA83EE48').classification
¶ - Returns
The md5 hash of the file
¶ - Returns
The name of the file
¶ - Returns
The path of the file