(muid: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, name: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, client_id: Optional[str] = None, local_ip: Optional[str] = None, period: Optional[TH.Core.period.TimePeriod] = TimePeriod())¶ Bases:
]Class representing a Machine (MUID)A machine can be instantiated by providing the following information:muid: Machine unique identification code
name: Machine name (client id must be provided as well)
client_id: The client identification code
period: The current analysis period
Machine creation examples:
m = Machine(muid="00000000000000000000000000000000") m = Machine(name="MY_MACHINE", client_id="000000")
(file: Optional[Union[List[Any], Any]] = None, period: Optional[TH.Core.period.TimePeriod] = None) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame¶ - Obtain The used bandwith by this machineThe default representation of bandwidth data is a area chart with the values per day
- Parameters
muid – Limit results to machines in this list
file – Limit the query results to certain files (providing
objects)period – Query time period. Defaults to today
- Returns
Data frame with the resulting bandwidth data
Following columns are provided within the returned dataframe:
Date: Date for the bandwith consumption data
Outgoing: MBytes sent
Incoming: MBytes received
(users: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, file: Optional[Union[List[Any], Any]] = None, period: Optional[TH.Core.period.TimePeriod] = None, histogram: Optional[TH.Core.histogram.Histogram] = None) → Union[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, TH.Core.THCollection.THCollection]¶ Obtain machine’s blocked elements
- Parameters
period – Query time period. Defaults to today
histogram – Set if the histogram over the data is required (defaults to None)
users – Limit the query results to certain users
file – Limit the query results to certain files (providing
- Returns
Machine’s detections represented as a list of
instances.If histogram is required, returning values depends on the provided histogram configuration.Otherwise, following columns are provided within the returned dataframe:DateTime: Date of the detection
ClientId: Target client
Muid: Target machine
LoggedUser: User that performed the detected action
ChildMd5: File hash for the detected file
ChildPath: File path for the detected file
ChildFilename: File name for the detected file
ParentMd5: File hash for the parent process file
ParentPath: File path for the parent process file
ParentFilename: File name for the parent process file
WinningTech: Winning technology (the one that performed the detecion)
DetectionId: Detection identification code
Action: Performed action over the file
(file: Optional[Union[List[Any], Any]] = None, period: Optional[TH.Core.period.TimePeriod] = None, protocol: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[str] = None, iptype: Optional[str] = None, direction: Optional[str] = None, ips: Optional[str] = None, top: Optional[int] = None, histogram: Optional[TH.Core.histogram.Histogram] = None) → Union[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, TH.Core.THCollection.THCollection]¶ - Obtain machine’s communicationsThe default representation of a machine’s communications through the print_dataframe() method is worldmap with colored dots (out of the geolocalization)
- Parameters
period – Query time period. Defaults to today
histogram – Set if the histogram over the data is required (defaults to None)
file – Limit the query results to certain files (providing
objects)protocol – Limit the query result to certain protocols (‘ICMP’, ‘IGMP’, ‘RFCOMM’, ‘TCP’, ‘RDP’, ‘UDP’, ‘ICMPV6’, ‘RM’)
port – Limit the query result to certain ports (port = number or [‘FTP’, ‘SSH’, ‘TELNET’, ‘SMTP’, ‘HTTP’, ‘POP3’, ‘HTTPS’, ‘RDP’])
iptype – Limit the query result to certain IP type (iptype = ‘Public’|’Private’)
direction – Limit the query result to certain direction (direction = ‘Incoming’|’Outgoing’)
ips – Limit the query results to certain ip addresses
top – Limit the query result to certain number of rows
- Returns
Machine’s communications represented as a list of
instances.If histogram is required, returning values depends on the provided histogram configuration.Otherwise, following columns are provided within the returned dataframe:DateTime: Date and time of the connection
Date: Date of the connection
Muid: Machine for the connection
LoggedUser: User affected by the connection
ParentFilename: Process (name) affected by the connection
ParentPid: Process (pid) affected by the connection
RemoteIp: The remote IP address
RemotePort: Connection port
LocalIp: The local IP of the machine when the connection was stablished
LocalPort: The local IP port
Protocol: The communication protocol
Direction: Incoming / Outgoing
Ipv4Status: Private / Public
Times: Number of times (agregates) this connection has been done
(users: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, file: Optional[Union[List[Any], Any]] = None, period: Optional[TH.Core.period.TimePeriod] = None, histogram: Optional[TH.Core.histogram.Histogram] = None) → Union[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, TH.Core.THCollection.THCollection]¶ Obtain machine’s deteccions
- Parameters
period – Query time period. Defaults to today
histogram – Set if the histogram over the data is required (defaults to None)
users – Limit the query results to certain users
file – Limit the query results to certain files (providing
- Returns
Machine’s detections represented as a list of
instances.If histogram is required, returning values depends on the provided histogram configuration.Otherwise, following columns are provided within the returned dataframe:DateTime: Date of the detection
ClientId: Target client
Muid: Target machine
LoggedUser: User that performed the detected action
ChildMd5: File hash for the detected file
ChildPath: File path for the detected file
ChildFilename: File name for the detected file
ParentMd5: File hash for the parent process file
ParentPath: File path for the parent process file
ParentFilename: File name for the parent process file
WinningTech: Winning technology (the one that performed the detecion)
DetectionId: Detection identification code
Action: Performed action over the file
(period: Optional[TH.Core.period.TimePeriod] = None, by: Optional[str] = None) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame¶ Obtain machine’s events
- Parameters
period – Query time period, only 1 or 2 days is allowed. Defaults to today
by – Group results (by = ‘type’ | ‘classif’ | None). Defaults to None
- Returns
Machine’s events in period
(file: Optional[Union[List[Any], Any]] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, kind: Optional[str] = None, operation: Optional[str] = None, command: Optional[str] = None, attributes: Optional[str] = None, period: Optional[TH.Core.period.TimePeriod] = None, histogram: Optional[TH.Core.histogram.Histogram] = None) → Union[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, TH.Core.THCollection.THCollection]¶ Obtain machine’s actions over processes
- Parameters
period – Query time period. Defaults to today
histogram – Set if the histogram over the data is required (defaults to None)
file – Limit the results to those actions affecting provided file (providing
objects)user – Limit the results to those actions affecting provided user
kind – Limit results by the application type [‘interpreter’, ‘remoteaccess’, ‘admintool’, ‘hackingtool’] or action [‘userallowed’]
operation – Limit results by the operation type [‘create’, ‘kill’, ‘thread’, ‘load’]
command – Limit results to those containing the given command line
attributes – Limit the results by the operation attributes (OR’ed values of [ATTR_REMOTE, ATTR_EXTERNAL, ATTR_FRESHUNKNOWN, ATTR_LANSHARED])
Available operations are:
create: Process creation operations
kill: Kill process operations
thread: Remote threads creation operations
load: Load library operations
- Returns
Machine’s processes actions in period as a list of
instances.If histogram is required, returning values depends on the provided histogram configuration.Otherwise, following columns are provided within the returnedProcess
instances:DateTime: timestamp for the operation
Muid: Target machine
LoggedUser: User that performed the logged action
ChildFilename: Child process (name)
ChildPath: Child process (path)
ChildMd5: Child process (file md5 hash)
ChildPid: Child Process (pid)
ParentFilename: Parent process (name)
ParentPath: Parent process (path)
ParentMd5: Parent process (file md5 hash)
ParentPid: Parent Process (pid)
CommandLine: Command line for process creation events
RemoteIp: Origin IP for file creation events from remote machines
Operation: Operation type
RemoteSession: True if action is performed from a remote session
External: The file comes from outside
FreshUnknown: This file is new along Panda community
LanShared: The file comes from outside (inside the local network)
(file: Optional[Union[List[Any], Any]] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, kind: Optional[str] = None, operation: Optional[str] = None, attributes: Optional[str] = None, period: Optional[TH.Core.period.TimePeriod] = None, histogram: Optional[TH.Core.histogram.Histogram] = None) → Union[TH.Core.histogram.Histogram, TH.Core.THCollection.THCollection]¶ Obtain machine’s actions over files
- Parameters
period – Query time period. Defaults to today
histogram – Set if the histogram over the data is required (defaults to None)
file – Limit the results to those actions affecting provided file
user – Limit the results to those actions affecting provided user
kind – Limit results by the application type [‘interpreter’, ‘remoteaccess’, ‘admintool’, ‘hackingtool’]
operation – Limit results by the operation type [‘create’, ‘modify’, ‘delete’, ‘rename’, ‘folder’, ‘newcmp’, ‘opencmp’, ‘access’, ‘script’ ]
attributes – Limit the results by the operation attributes (OR’ed values of [ATTR_REMOTE, ATTR_EXTERNAL, ATTR_FRESHUNKNOWN, ATTR_LANSHARED])
Available operations are:
create: File (PE) creation operations
modify: File (PE) modification operations
delete: File (PE) deletion operations
rename: File (PE) rename operations
folder: Folder creation operations
newcmp: CMP files creation operations
opencmp: CMP files open operations
access: Data access operations
script: Operations over no PE / script files
- Returns
Machine’s file actions in period as a list of
instances.If histogram is required, returning values depends on the provided histogram configuration.Otherwise, following columns are provided within the returnedFile
instances:DateTime: timestamp for the operation
Muid: Target machine
LoggedUser: User that performed the logged action
ChildFilename: Child process (name)
ChildPath: Child process (path)
ChildMd5: Child process (file md5 hash)
ChildPid: Child Process (pid)
ParentFilename: Parent process (name)
ParentMd5: Parent process (file md5 hash)
ParentPid: Parent Process (pid)
CommandLine: Command line for process creation events
RemoteIp: Origin IP for file creation events from remote machines
Operation: Operation type
RemoteSession: True if action is performed from a remote session
External: The file comes from outside
FreshUnknown: This file is new along Panda community
LanShared: The file comes from outside (inside the local network)
(period: Optional[TH.Core.period.TimePeriod] = None) → Optional[list]¶ - Obtain the machine type
- Parameters
period – Query time period. Defaults to today
- Returns
The machine identified profile (list of strings with the identified machine profiles)
(rules: Optional[str] = None, period: Optional[TH.Core.period.TimePeriod] = None) → TH.Core.THCollection.THCollection¶ - Obtain machine’s IoAsThe default representation for 1 day period IoA’s is a pie chart, for more that 1 day a bar chart will be displayed
- Parameters
period – Query time period. Defaults to today
rules – Query results limited to those containing the provided rule names
- Returns
Machine’s attack identifications in period, represented as a list of
instancesFollowing columns are provided within the returned dataframe:
alertDateTime: Datetime from when the alert was identified
clientId: The client for this alert
critical: True if the alert is critical
details: Alert details
excluded: True if alert is excluded
huntingRule: The hunting rule name thar triggered the alert
id: The alert identification code
lastHourEvidenceCount: Number of acummulated alerts of this type in the last hour
mitre: Mitre equivalence for this alert
muid: This alert machine identification code
severity: The alert severity value
status: The alert status
timeStamp: Timestamp for this alert (when it was first produced)
weight: The alert weight value
() → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame¶ - Returns
Dataframe relating the machine MUID and name
()¶ Obtain machine’s OS information
- Returns
OS information
(file: Optional[Union[List[Any], Any]] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, kind: Optional[str] = None, period: Optional[TH.Core.period.TimePeriod] = None, histogram: Optional[TH.Core.histogram.Histogram] = None) → TH.Core.THCollection.THCollection¶ Obtain all processes with activity in the machine
- Parameters
period – Query time period. Defaults to today
histogram – Set if the histogram over the data is required (defaults to None)
file – Limit the results to those actions affecting provided file (providing
objects)user – Limit the results to those actions affecting provided user
kind – Limit results by the application type [‘interpreter’, ‘remoteaccess’, ‘admintool’, ‘hackingtool’] or action [‘userallowed’]
- Returns
Machine’s processes in period as a list of
instances.If histogram is required, returning values depends on the provided histogram configuration.Otherwise, following columns are provided within the returned dataframe:DateTime: timestamp for the operation
Muid: Target machine
LoggedUser: User that performed the logged action
ChildFilename: Child process (name)
ChildPath: Child process (path)
ChildMd5: Child process (file md5 hash)
ChildPid: Child Process (pid)
ParentFilename: Parent process (name)
ParentPath: Parent process (path)
ParentMd5: Parent process (file md5 hash)
ParentPid: Parent Process (pid)
Operation: Operation type
(file: Optional[Union[List[Any], Any]] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, kind: Optional[str] = None, operation: Optional[str] = None, period: Optional[TH.Core.period.TimePeriod] = None, histogram: Optional[TH.Core.histogram.Histogram] = None) → Union[TH.Core.histogram.Histogram, TH.Core.THCollection.THCollection]¶ Obtain machine’s actions over registry keys
- Parameters
period – Query time period. Defaults to today
histogram – Set if the histogram over the data is required (defaults to None)
file – Limit the results to those actions affecting provided file
user – Limit the results to those actions affecting provided user
kind – Limit results by the application type [‘interpreter’, ‘remoteaccess’, ‘admintool’, ‘hackingtool’] or action [‘userallowed’]
operation – Limit results by the operation type [‘create’, ‘modify’, ‘access’]
Available operations are:
create: Registry key creation operations (for autorun)
modify: Registry key modification operations (for autorun)
access: Monitored registry keys access
- Returns
Machine’s registry actions in period as a list of
instances.If histogram is required, returning values depends on the provided histogram configuration.Otherwise, following columns are provided within the returnedRegistry
instances:DateTime: timestamp for the operation
Muid: Target machine
LoggedUser: User that performed the logged action
Key: Affected registry key
Value: The registry key value
ValueData The modified content
ParentFilename: Parent process (name)
ParentMd5: Parent process (file md5 hash)
ParentPid: Parent Process (pid)
CommandLine: Command line for process creation events
RemoteIp: Origin IP for file creation events from remote machines
Operation: Operation type
RemoteSession: True if action is performed from a remote session
External: The file comes from outside
FreshUnknown: This file is new along Panda community
LanShared: The file comes from outside (inside the local network)
(period: Optional[TH.Core.period.TimePeriod] = None) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame¶ - Obtain The distribution of machine actions over time (hours per weekday)The default representation for the timetable is a heatmap with coloured cells per weekday and hour
- Parameters
period – Query time period. Defaults to today
muid – Limit results to machines in this list
- Returns
Dataframe with the actions distriution over time
Following columns are provided within the returned dataframe:
LoggedUser: The user under analysis
Weekday: The analyzed weekday [1..7]
Hour: The analyzed hour [0..23]
AvgActions: The average number of actions (any kind) in the analyzed weekday and hour
StdActions: The standard deviation of actions (any kind) in the analyzed weekday and hour
(users: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, period: Optional[TH.Core.period.TimePeriod] = None, histogram: Optional[TH.Core.histogram.Histogram] = None) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame¶ - Obtain the list of users for this machine
- Parameters
period – Query time period. Defaults to today
histogram – Set if the histogram over the data is required (defaults to None)
users – Limit the query results to users whose name contains the provided user names
- Returns
A list of users represented as
instances.If histogram is required, returning values depends on the provided histogram configuration.Otherwise, following columns are provided within the returned dataframe:LoggedUser: The logged user name
IniDate: The date in where the user was first seen (in the given period)
EndDate: The date in where the user was last seen (in the given period)
NumDays: The number of days where the user had actity (in the given period)
¶ - Returns
The date for the first recorded activity for this machine
¶ - Returns
The date for the last recorded activity for this machine
¶ - Returns
The machine’s muid (Machine Unique IDentification)
¶ - Returns
The machine’s name